Sunday, August 19, 2012

Coast to Coastin' 2013

RunDisney has a race series that rewards participants with an extra medal. It's called The Coast to Coast Challenge. If a person participates in a Florida RunDisney half or full marathon, and a California RunDisney half marathon in the same calendar year, they get a bonus medal called the Coast to Coast Medal. This special medal features Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse as viewed as the Partner's Statue in Disney Parks. Holly got her first Coast to Coast Medal in 2010. We're both getting one (fingers crossed) in 2013.

And yes, you are correct.... For both of us to get a Coast to Coast medal Dave has to participate in two half marathons. Correct again.... He's never been in a half marathon. He's claiming this will be his first, second, and last half marathons. He's also walking both of them so that alleviates some of the fear.

Here's the plan...

Jan 11th - WDW Family 5K - both

Jan 12th - WDW Half Marathon - both

Jan 13th - WDW Full Marathon - Holly only (finishes Goofy Challenge) Dave will be snacking.

Jan 19th - Disneyland Never Land 5K - both

Jan 20th - Disneyland Tinkerbell Half Marathon - both

5 days of races with 3:00am wake-up calls. That will be a busy ten days. We chose this crazy schedule because Holly's never participated in the Tinkerbell Half plus we didn't want to spend Labor Day Weekend in Disneyland to do their Disneyland Half again. Dave will only have one training cycle vs. two so this plan makes sense. He'll enjoy being one of the few men in the women-focused Tinkerbell Half.

These events are the center of our efforts for raising money to fight breast cancer with Team AllEars. We will be asking for your support again this year. Last year, you helped Team Tizzel contribute about $6,300 to the Team AllEars' total of $70,000+ through our Dress Dave Like Duffy Challenge. We don't have a stunt this year planned since Dave getting through all this and the training will be stunt enough. Got an idea for a stunt and willing to back it with a donation? Add your challenge to the comments section below or send an email.

We will release some milestone videos that might contain a funny or embarrassing moment we've never posted online.  Follow our progress at the Coast to Coast 2013 tab on the top.

Visit our Support Our Fight Against Breast Cancer page to learn how to donate, or just click the button below to go straight to the online donation page.   Be sure to place Team Tizzel in the personal note.

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